Lunar calendar for July of the year. The magical properties of plants

YoIP Lunar Calendar is happy to tell you about today's lunar phase.

In total, eight periods of the moon's movement are distinguished, which it passes over a period from 29.25 to 29.83 Earth days. The generally accepted duration of a complete change of phases of the moon, a synodic month, is considered early 29 days 12 hours and 44 minutes.

The phases change in the following sequence: new moon (moon not visible), young moon, first quarter, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, last quarter and old moon.
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Today the Moon is in phase: Waxing Moon

The 5th lunar day begins, the moon is visible at 17%
Moon in the zodiac sign Libra ♎ and the constellation Virgo ♍

Detailed information about the phase of the moon today

Household phase of the moon:
Astronomical phase of the moon:
Today the moon is in the sign of the zodiac: ♎ Libra
Today the moon is in the constellation: ♍ Virgo
Today's lunar day: 5
The exact age of the moon: 4 days, 0 hours and 16 minutes
Moon visibility: 17%
Beginning of the current lunar cycle (new moon): August 1, 2019 at 06:12
The next new moon will be: August 30, 2019 at 13:38
The duration of this lunar cycle: 29 days, 7 hours and 25 minutes
The exact time of the full moon of this cycle: August 15, 2019 at 15:31
The exact time of the next full moon: September 14, 2019 at 07:35
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Moon phases in August 2019 by day.

The phases of the moon are shown for the noon of every day of August (12:00 Moscow time, UTC+3)

Date Moon Phase Day Zodiac
August 1 1 ♌ Leo
August 2 2 ♌ Leo
August 3rd 3 ♍ Virgo
4 August 4 ♍ Virgo
5th of August 5 ♎ Libra
6 August 6 ♎ Libra
August 7 8 ♏ Scorpio
8 August 9 ♏ Scorpio
August 9 10 ♐ Sagittarius
August 10 11 ♐ Sagittarius
11th August 11 ♑ Capricorn
12th of August 12 ♑ Capricorn
13 August 13 ♑ Capricorn
14 August 14 ♒ Aquarius
August 15 15 ♒ Aquarius
16 August 16 ♓ Pisces
17 August 17 ♓ Pisces
18 August 18 ♓ Pisces
August 19 19 ♈ Aries
20 August 20 ♈ Aries
21 August 21 ♉ Taurus
22 August 21 ♉ Taurus
August 23 22 ♉ Taurus
24 August 23 ♊ Gemini
25-th of August 24 ♊ Gemini
August, 26th 25 ♋ Cancer
27 August 27 ♋ Cancer
August 28 28 ♌ Leo
29 August 29 ♌ Leo
30 August 30 ♍ Virgo
August 31 2 ♍ Virgo

What zodiac sign is the moon in today?

The moon is currently in the sign ♎ Libra and the constellation ♍ Virgo.

Is the moon in a zodiac sign or a constellation?

Expression "Moon in the sign of the zodiac", for example, in the sign "Pisces", implies its astrological position within the boundaries of the zodiac sign. The zodiac sign is one twelfth of the ecliptic, which is 30°. Belongs to the tropical zodiac.

Expression "Moon in the constellation", for example, in the constellation "Aquarius", implies its astronomical position within the boundaries of the constellation. The boundaries of the constellations have different shapes, and the moon is in them for different times. Constellations belong to the astronomical zodiac.

This difference arose due to the precession of the earth's axis and the associated displacement of the vernal equinox for 2000 years by about one sign back. Therefore, you can often hear the following clarification: "The moon is in the sign of Pisces and the constellation of Aquarius." In addition, in the astronomical interpretation, the thirteenth constellation "Ophiuchus" is added to the twelve constellations consonant with the signs of the zodiac. You can read more about the dates of the intersection of the astronomical and astrological signs of the zodiac on the page.

What phase is the moon today?

Now the moon is in the phase "Waving moon in the first quarter"

What are the phases of the moon?

Distinguish household and astronomical phases of the moon. Their names are the same, and the difference is only in the duration of the phases of the new moon and full moon. In everyday life, they last for 2-3 Earth days each, until the moon is practically invisible (new moon) or visible almost like a full disk (full moon). But in an astronomical sense, the duration of these phases is less than a second.

The reason for this is that the moon moves around the earth at a speed of about 1023 m / s, and the full moon and new moon are the moments when the earth, moon and sun line up on the same plane perpendicular to the direction of the earth's movement around the sun. These moments are very fleeting and if you try to calculate their duration with an accuracy of coincidence of the positions of the moon, earth and sun at least up to one meter, then the duration will be less than 1/1023 of a second.

In our calendar, the duration of astronomical phases is calculated with an accuracy of one moon diameter (about 3476 km), which gives approximately 56.5 minutes.

The duration of everyday phases is considered based on the visibility of the moon's disk less than 3.12% for the new moon and more than 96.88% for the full moon.

Which moon is waxing or waning now?

How do you know if the moon is waxing or waning today?

You can understand what kind of moon is now in the sky according to the mnemonic rule for the northern hemisphere: if the moon looks like the letter “ FROM", that is FROM waning or waning moon. If, when adding a vertical stick to the month, the moon becomes like the letter " R", then she R growing.

For the southern hemisphere, the opposite is true. There, the moon is seen upside down, so musical terms are used to memorize C rescendo (or sign "<„) для растущей луны и D iminuendo (">" sign) for descending.

At the equator, the moon lies on its side, so both of these options will not be applicable. Instead, they are guided by the time when the “boat” of the moon is visible. If in the evening and in the west, then this is the growing moon follows the sun, and if in the morning and in the east, then this is the aging moon. The lunar arch at the equator cannot be seen with the ordinary eye, because. it will always fall in the daytime and the bright light of the sun will make it difficult to see it.

What is the lunar day today?

Now the 5 lunar day begins. 0 hours and 16 minutes have passed since the beginning.

Lunar days and lunar days. What is the difference?

Lunar day- this is the period of time that passes from the moment of the new moon to the re-crossing of the meridian line by the moon, over which the moon was at the time of the new moon. The first lunar day begins its countdown at the moment when the center of the moon crosses the line connecting the earth and the sun (the moment of the new moon). The second and subsequent days begin when the center of the moon crosses the meridian over which the moment of the new moon occurred in this lunar cycle.

The average length of a lunar day is about 24 Earth hours, 50 minutes and 28 seconds. This happens because the earth and the moon rotate in the same direction and while the earth makes a complete revolution, the moon has time to run away from it a little forward and the earth has to turn a little more so that the moon is exactly above the meridian as one lunar day ago .

Lunar days are considered from sunrise to sunset of the moon at each specific point on the globe. At the same time, the beginning of the first lunar day occurs as the beginning of the first lunar day at the time of the new moon, and the second and subsequent lunar days are counted from moonrise. The duration of lunar days and their number in each point of the globe is different. The usual number of lunar days is from 29 to 30 per lunar cycle. However, in some places where the moon may not rise or set for several Earth days, the number of lunar days may be much less. This affects the territories beyond the northern and southern polar circles. There for half a year you can not see either the sun or the moon.


Moon phases in July 2016

Detailed lunar calendar for July 2016

July 1, 2016, 26 lunar day (02:06), waning Moon in Taurus/Gemini. Try to be friendly and polite today, no matter how you are provoked to a different behavior and perception of reality. A good day to start trips and travels.

July 2, 2016, 27 (02:40), waning Moon in Gemini. A good day for planning a family budget, for writing business plans, thinking through financial and commercial transactions. You can plan as much as you like, but do not make final decisions.

July 3, 2016, 28 lunar day (03:23), waning Moon in Gemini/Cancer. A good day for marriage registration and for a fun wedding, to reach agreements. Do only things that you enjoy. Favorable visit to the beauty salon.

July 4, 2016 29 and 1 lunar days (04:19/14:01), Moon in Cancer, new moon at 14:01. Today weigh your every deed, word and thought on the scales of your conscience, do not let temptations take over you. It is useful to arrange a fasting day.

July 5, 2016 2 lunar day (05:25), the growing Moon in Cancer / Leo. It is advisable to wake up as early as possible and immediately get down to business. It is best to deal with current issues. You can start trips and business trips.

July 6, 2016 3 lunar day (06:38), the growing Moon in Leo. A day of joy and communication, exchange of information and experience. It is useful to play sports and improve physical health. You can file a lawsuit.

July 7, 2016 4 lunar day (07:54), the growing Moon in Leo. The energies of the day are not conducive to business, social and commercial activity. You should be especially careful about the spoken words. The evening should be devoted to the family.

July 8, 2016, 5 lunar day (09:11), the growing Moon in Leo / Virgo (01:40). Day of manifestation of activity and initiative. If you have been planning to do something for a long time and could not decide, then today is the day when you can take a risk, take responsibility and achieve the desired result.

July 9, 2016, 6 lunar day (10:25), the growing Moon in Virgo. A good day for marriage registration and for a fun wedding like “my big Greek wedding”. Today it is undesirable to be alone, especially to be sad.

July 10, 2016 7 lunar day (11:38), the growing Moon in Virgo / Libra. A wonderful day for new acquaintances, easy communication, funny harmless jokes and joyful surprises. At the same time, do not forget that “it is not given to us to predict how our word will respond,” and be prepared for the most unpredictable situations.

July 11, 2016 8 lunar day (12:50), the growing Moon in Libra. Today you can hold important social events, sign important legal documents. The less you rest, the more you can do. The day is unfavorable for shopping.

July 12, 2016 9 lunar day (14:01), the growing Moon in Libra / Scorpio. Today it is desirable to be silent as much as possible, to work with documents, to engage in self-education. It is not recommended to sign documents. Fasting is helpful.

July 13, 2016 10 lunar day (15:11), the growing Moon in Scorpio. In the morning, be especially attentive to food - the danger of food poisoning is great. With the beginning of the 10th lunar day, you can go shopping. The things you buy today will serve you for a long time.

July 14, 2016 11 lunar day (16:20), the growing Moon in Scorpio. A good day for solving serious financial issues, for signing contracts and concluding contracts. The purchases made today will bring you joy for a long time.

July 15, 2016 12 lunar day (17:27), the growing Moon in Scorpio / Sagittarius. The day is favorable for communication, new acquaintances, making useful connections and contacts. Good for travel and travel. Useful sports.

July 16, 2016 13 lunar day (18:32), the growing Moon in Sagittarius. It is advisable to spend this day in labor, in caring for those who are close and dear to you. If you feel lonely - do something nice for other people without expecting anything in return, even a simple "thank you" - this will be the best cure for depression.

July 17, 2016 14 lunar day (19:31), the growing Moon in Sagittarius / Capricorn. Today, attempts to look into the future may be crowned with success. The day is favorable for shopping and sewing clothes, for self-education. It is undesirable to travel far from home.

July 18, 2016 15 lunar day (20:21), the growing Moon in Capricorn. A good day to complete previously started business. It is not recommended to show increased business activity, to be in crowded places, to go on trips and travels.

July 19, 2016 16 lunar day (21:03), the growing Moon in Capricorn. Rhythms of the day tune in to manifestations of intellectual and business activity. It is very important to wake up in a good mood and keep it the same throughout the day.

July 20, 2016 17 lunar day (21:37), Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius, full moon at 01:58. It's time to translate your ideas into the material world. But you need to be aware of everything you say and do. Good day to get new knowledge.

July 21, 2016 18 lunar day (22:05), the waning Moon in Aquarius. An excellent day for practical actions, solving material issues, planning income and expenses. Try to keep your emotions under strict mind control.

July 22, 2016 19 lunar day (22:28), waning Moon in Aquarius/Pisces. Today it is contraindicated to be lazy and stay idle. The rhythms of the lunar day point us to the world as a large mirror, which reflects our own attitude towards the world and towards people.

July 23, 2016 20 lunar day (22:48), the waning Moon in Pisces. A good day for restoration and building relationships, for reconciliation. It is best to spend this day in peace and harmony, in caring for people close to you.

July 24, 2016 21 lunar days (23:07), waning Moon in Pisces/Aries (15:32) The rhythms of the day incline us to rest and complete relaxation. You can spend this day the way you want, in no case overworking. Any wellness practice is useful.

July 25, 2016 22 lunar day (23:26), the waning Moon in Aries. It is useful to visit a bath or sauna, exercise and sports. All the things that you carefully thought out and planned in advance will be successful. In the evening, you can arrange a small family celebration.

July 26, 2016 23rd lunar day (23:47), waning Moon in Aries/Taurus. This Tuesday can be a day of unpredictability and various surprises. Try to accept with gratitude absolutely everything that life sends you. What seems like an insoluble problem today may seem like a great happiness tomorrow.

July 27, 2016 continuation of the 23rd lunar day, the waning moon in Taurus A good day to start business trips and any trips. It is useful to engage in physical education and sports, as much as possible to walk. Problems are best dealt with as soon as they arise.

July 28, 2016 24 lunar day (00:11), waning Moon in Taurus/Gemini. Today it is useful to meditate at the source of water - this will help you cope with doubts and gain confidence. This is a day of contemplation and reflection, try to avoid fatigue.

July 29, 2016 25 lunar day (00:41), waning Moon in Gemini. There is no need to plan for today. Just solve questions and problems as they come up, in no case postponing anything. This is a day of active work, when one should not be afraid to take responsibility.

July 30, 2016 26 lunar day (01:19), waning Moon in Gemini. The perfect day to relax at home with family. Even better - rest in the country, but not on the beds, but on a deck chair in the shade of trees. It is very important to live this day in peace and harmony with your loved ones.

July 31, 2016 27 lunar day (02:08), waning Moon in Gemini/Cancer An excellent day to start trips and travels. It's also good to be on the road. In no case should you be guided by feelings - all decisions today can (and should) be made only after mature reflection.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in July 2016

  • July 1 3:19 - July 1 14:44.
  • July 3 6:43 - July 3 16:20.
  • July 5 9:29 - July 5 19:28.
  • July 7 15:06 - July 8 1:41.
  • July 10 6:28 - July 10 11:32.
  • July 12 18:01 - July 12 23:52.
  • July 15 1:22 - July 15 12:14.
  • July 17 11:57 - July 17 22:33.
  • July 20 1:57 - July 20 6:10.
  • July 22 4:56 - July 22 11:35.
  • July 24 10:06 - July 24 15:33.
  • July 26 9:19 - July 26 18:37.
  • July 28 18:13 - July 28 21:17.
  • 30 July 14:46 - 31 July 00:09.

The beautiful month of July tells us that if anyone has not had time to enjoy the warm sunny days, then it's time to start. The middle of summer is the richest in colors, vitamins that nature gives us, adventures and events that the lunar calendar has prepared for July 2016.

Of course, a full-fledged guide for every day based on the lunar calendar should not be compiled, but sometimes you can look into it in order to be sure that a warm day in July is suitable for a haircut or diet. In addition, the lunar calendar will help ladies, who often wonder what to wear, to make an image for the next day. Thanks to the fact that you know what to expect from tomorrow, you can create an interesting, even unusual look from the necessary color schemes.

However, whatever the lunar calendar for July 2016 brings, this is not at all a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of taking a vacation for a trip abroad, going to the nearest lake or river, and generally pleasing yourself every day.

Lunar calendar for July 2016

For a detailed study of the lunar month, a lunar calendar is compiled in the form of a table:

The phases of the lunar calendar for July 2016 are as follows:
July 1 - 4 - the moon is waning;
4th - new moon;
July 5 - 11 - the moon is growing;
12th day - I quarter;
July 13 - 19 - the moon is growing;
20th - full moon;
July 21 - 26 - the moon is waning;
27th - III quarter;
July 28 - 31 - the moon is waning.

What has the lunar calendar for July 2016 prepared for us?

In July 2016, you should pay attention to the following dates: July 4, 12, 20, 27. These dates are critical points among the lunar phases, so on these days of the lunar calendar, energy carries a maximum of negativity. Beware of not taking any active action on such days. Do not make serious decisions that could affect your future course of life. Try to relax, rest, pay attention to your family or improve your health. This will be beneficial, will save strength and energy for further work.

The lunar calendar in July begins with a waning moon, so there is an opportunity to relax for several days, save energy for the implementation of future ideas or projects. If something has not been done, this is just the time when you need to finish all the work, take stock of the outgoing month and build strategies for the near future.

With the advent of the new moon according to the lunar calendar, life begins to gain momentum. This is the time to successfully prepare for the launch. Planning, maintaining lists, scheduling, meetings, and so on - all this is necessary for the correct assessment of your strengths and skills. The lunar calendar suggests that you have to prepare to start working on something serious and important in life.

The phases of the growing moon are the most favorable for the start of any activity. During the entire period of this time, which the lunar calendar shows, painstaking laborious work is mainly carried out, no matter what it is (daily work in the office, personal growth, fighting bad habits, working on your character, on children, etc.). d.). Perseverance and patience in all areas of life are important here. The longest period in a month.

When the lunar calendar shows the onset of the full moon, life is gaining momentum faster and faster. During the full moon, all the vital forces of a person are activated, the energy reaches its peak. It is at this moment that the time comes for decisive action, bold, immediate actions. No time for reflection. Since this is the highest point, maximum strength and endurance, you should not be afraid for health.

By the end of the month, the moon returns to its waning stage again, so the cycle ends, and the lunar calendar suggests that the time has come for final assessments, understanding the results. Where the month began, so it ends. After hard work, weakening and exhaustion of the body, it is important to take care of your health, otherwise a nervous or mental breakdown cannot be avoided. It is important to conserve energy and properly rest.

The lunar calendar for July 2016 also affects beauty and fashion. Here everything is considered a separate aspect. In the field of haircuts, you need to understand what is necessary in a particular case - to make a high-quality haircut or to do hair strengthening and restoration. These are two different things in their structure, because the first requires more time for the hair to remain the same length and shape, and the second involves rapid growth.

If you want to make a model haircut, you can safely go to a specialist when the lunar calendar shows the period of the waning moon, because this is a guarantee of the durability of your hairstyle. The best time to do masks, strengthening, wraps.

Until July 4, and also after July 21, you can go to spas, saunas, solariums and so on. According to the lunar calendar, this is a period of active restoration of strength and health of the whole organism.

When the lunar calendar shows the period of the growing moon, hair growth intensifies, self-esteem rises, and there is a desire to change the style or image in general. In this case, visits to a stylist or makeup artist will be favorable, and the creation of a new image that will help in everyday life.

Lunar calendar for July 2016 for every day

For a better understanding and assessment of the situation for each day of the month, they are discussed in more detail below.

July 1- On this day, according to the lunar calendar, it is important to beware of the waste of strength and energy. Time for inner peace, harmony. In order to avoid depression or unreasonable sadness, it is necessary to avoid overload and overexertion.

July 2- An unfavorable time for decisive action or any drastic changes. A great time to relax in nature (perhaps at sea), with family or at home. Participation in any serious projects is undesirable.

3 July- Since health has not been fully restored since last month, it is important to take measures to strengthen it, perhaps visit interesting exhibitions, entertaining events where you can unwind and relax your soul.

4th of July- Now is an extremely unfavorable period for haircuts and cosmetic procedures, due to the possible further loss of health and accumulated energy. It will be useful to take care of everyday household chores without worrying about plans for the future.

5'th of July- Inappropriate day of the lunar calendar for various monetary transactions or financial decisions. But, a good time to start a trip or business trip, which means that everyone who is tired of everyday work can safely pack their bags. Favorable diets and herbal medicine courses. Might be worth a visit to the dentist.

July 6- The right moment to start practicing martial arts, visiting the gym or sports section. Unfavorable time for a haircut, because there is a risk of injury. Since the day will be eventful, requiring more self-confidence, you can turn to things in the red color scheme for help.

July 7- Not a bad time for trade, financial affairs, advanced training, self-education. It is undesirable to visit hairdressing salons because of the waste of money, as well as the possibility of harming one's own health.

July 8– Time for serious changes and decisive action. Finally, the lunar calendar shows that the time has come for new experiments, visits to hairdressers, beauty salons. You can go in search of a suitable wardrobe. This will serve you well in the future.

July 9- According to the lunar calendar, this is a great time for communication, meeting with friends, moderate mental stress. You should not contact professional hairdressers. To improve your mood and diversify gray everyday life, it will be useful to find something bright, colorful, positive in your wardrobe.

July 10– Today can be called solemn, it is suitable for celebrations, corporate events, banquets, weddings. It can also be a long-awaited shopping experience. It is important to make the most of this day in the company of family or friends.

July 11- The lunar calendar says that today you can do planning, scheduling, preparing business projects, events, meetings. Tidying up the appearance will significantly improve the results of the work done.

July, 12- Moderate work and quiet household chores - this is the task for today according to the lunar calendar. You should not take any important and serious actions that can disrupt the measured pace of life. The colors of the day are light, pastel.

July 13 All kinds of conflicts should be avoided throughout the day. It is better to be in the family circle with close relatives. Starting your own business, opening a business is also favorable.

the 14 th of July- You should pay increased attention to your health and general condition. This day according to the lunar calendar carries the risk of injury. However, changes in the place of residence or a change in workplace or status are possible - the day is favorable for this.

July 15– Today is an exceptionally suitable day for outdoor activities, sports, establishing useful connections and expanding your contacts. For success in today's affairs, you can use comfortable, practical clothes.

July 16- The lunar calendar shows a very good day for business. It does not hurt to do charity work or help your family. It promotes spiritual and personal growth and development. Do not go on a trip or business trip. There is also no need to try to change existing relationships with relatives or close people.

July 17th- In order to avoid the upcoming depression and depression, it will be useful to engage in active physical labor. It will distract you from problems. This day of the lunar calendar is favorable in many areas of activity. The only drawback is the spatial restriction that does not allow moving away from home.

July 18- Today, there are some possible obstacles on the way. You should be careful at mass events or avoid them. No time for trips and travel.

July 19- A measured day for calm and mental work. It is important to maintain mental, emotional balance, which will allow you to rise to a higher level. In order to pacify yourself as much as possible, you can put on light crocheted things with beautiful patterns. And you can put on an airy colorful dress, take a walk in the park.

July 20- It's time to do what you want. Auspicious day for the realization of the most daring ideas and plans for the future. However, you should not make changes to the appearance. One more day to be yourself, familiar and loved - will not hurt.

21 July- According to the lunar calendar, it's time to resolve paper and money issues. Since the day is traumatic, high-heeled or platform shoes should not be worn. Particular attention should be paid to the joints.

July 22- The lunar calendar warns that this day is far from fateful decisions. This is the right moment for loneliness, the opportunity to be alone with yourself, to feel connected with the surrounding nature. A suitable color scheme for such cases is green, khaki.

July 23- It is desirable to spend this day surrounded by relatives and close people. You should not go far from home, as well as engage in routine work, as this can provoke an attack of depression and melancholy.

July 24– On this day, you can easily overcome your bad habits, and it is also useful to switch to wellness procedures to restore strength and strengthen immunity. Great news, you need to act!

July 25- A very good moment to change jobs, move up the career ladder, as well as to attend mass events. For this situation, bright saturated images, spectacular evening makeup, and a beautiful hairstyle are suitable.

26 July- The lunar calendar warns that today is a bad day for entrepreneurial and financial activities. Good for mental work. At this time, it is useful to transfer the accumulated experience and acquire new ones. Restrained shades of gray and brown are favorable for such a day.

July 27- A good day to start new trips and travels, as well as for everyday household chores. Favorable will be visits to hairdressers and beauty salons.

July 28th– A day for inner harmony and self-improvement. Useful yoga, meditation. Improve the condition and a variety of water procedures. To enhance the effect, you can use combinations of colors of heavenly shades in clothes.

July 29- A day of hard work and active work. This is not the time to shirk responsibility. You can turn to strict and classic suits for help. They will help you get back to work.

July 30– Today, numerous contacts should be avoided. It is better to spend the day with your family in a cozy home environment.

July 31– A great time to start a new path or a trip anywhere. However, you should not start serious business, conclude important business deals.

Despite the fact that various forecasts can differ significantly from each other, you should not rely entirely on them, because the outcome of events often depends on you.

See forecasts for lunar calendars for other months:

Lunar calendar for 2016

Knowing what the phase of the moon is now in July 2016, you will be able to plan your affairs with the least loss of time and effort. Look at the lunar calendar for auspicious days.

Moon phases

Even our ancestors noticed that the phases of the moon affect the rhythm of water metabolism in living organisms, functional physiology and many other processes, which has long been confirmed by scientific research. Different lunar phases affect our mood, luck and well-being.

These phases change in the following order:

New moon- when the lunar disk is not visible at all;
First quarter- the right half of the lunar disk is visible,
Full moon- when the lunar disk is fully visible,
Last quarter- the left half of the lunar disk is visible.

Different phases of the moon have different effects on the environment and man. The new moon, full moon, the days of the first and last quarters of the moon are the time of intense interaction between the sun and the moon. These are bad days. The days of the growing moon are considered favorable.

Growing Moon in July 2016

In July 2016, the growing moon can be seen from 5 to 19 July. This is a good time to start new things, improve your health and make plans. In the days of the growing moon, you can make important decisions and lay the foundation for the future. For example, moving to a new place of residence or changing jobs. It is also favorable to engage in planting in the garden, cut hair and go on a diet.

Waning moon in July 2016

The waning moon in July 2016 will meet from July 1 to July 3 and from July 21 to 31. This time is favorable for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. Also, astrologers recommend putting things in order in your home. Therefore, if you have accumulated unnecessary trash, it is advisable to get rid of it during the waning moon. This will help to avoid the influence of negative energy. At the same time, the days when the moon is waning are not suitable for making important decisions and doing important and responsible things. Therefore, you should not sign important contracts and financial documents. You also need to be very careful when investing. It is better to use this time for relaxation and rest.

New Moon July 2016

In July 2016, the new moon will take place on July 4 at 14:01. Astrologers advise during this period to complete old things and start new ones, because this is a time of change. You can clean up your apartment or your workplace, throw away old things and rubbish. You can part with those people with whom you would not want to communicate in the future. Pay bills and taxes, repay debts - and sleep peacefully.

Full moon in July 2016

The full moon will take place on July 20 at 1:58. This time is characterized by emotional instability, mental anxiety, a sharp change in mood - from stormy fun to complete apathy. People become fussy, as if they are afraid of missing something, too excitable, which leads to quarrels and conflicts, often breaking out over trifles. Therefore, you should be more careful with words and actions.

Auspicious days in July 2016: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29.
Unfavorable days in July 2016: 4, 7, 12, 18, 21, 22, 26, 30 July.

Midsummer, the most wedding month: how cloudless will July be in business and relationships? You can find the answer to this in the lunar calendar, which will reveal the secrets of the future for you.

July 2 and 3: moving into the constellation of Gemini, the Moon will begin the 27th lunar day. Mental activity is very useful, especially since you will be in excellent shape for this. Communication in any form will be successful. The biggest success in the workflow awaits people working with computers and information.

July 4 and 5: The New Moon on July 4 will be dominated by the constellation Cancer. Astrologers recommend new things in this short, but energetically very strong period. They will definitely get a positive impulse. In itself, the influence of Cancer has a positive effect on family relationships.

July 6 and 7: the influence of the fiery Sign Leo will cause a feeling of struggle, due to which on July 6, on the 3rd lunar day, conflicts can escalate. On the other hand, mass events, for example, sports, or parties with a large circle of friends are as fun as possible.

July 8 and 9: the constellation of Virgo favors painstaking work, so the 5th and 6th lunar days are well suited for fruitful work. During this period, it is possible and desirable to engage in learning and learning new things. Any banking and real estate transactions will go well.

July 10, 11 and 12: The Moon will come under the influence of the Sign of Libra. You will be able to think over any issue that is important to you as impartially and rationally as possible, it will be easier to see all the pros and cons. These days may pass in a somewhat relaxed state, and it will be difficult to make decisions.

July 13, 14 and 15: From 9 to 11 lunar days, the Moon will be under the strongest influence of the constellation Scorpio. A high concentration on the tasks at hand will allow you to confidently complete the work you have begun and be active. Thanks to the power of this Sign, the necessary and superficial become obvious.

July 16 and 17: these days may not be the best way to start a relationship. However, the position of the Moon in the constellation Sagittarius has a positive effect on legal issues.

July 20 and 21: On July 20, on the 16th lunar day, the Moon will enter the Full Moon phase, which will coincide with the transition of the Earth's satellite into the constellation Aquarius. Since this is the most energetic day, many things can get out of hand. In general, the Aquarius constellation is very favorable for promoting new ideas and working with like-minded people.

July 22, 23 and 24: during this short period, some illusory nature will appear in the perception of the world, which is facilitated by the activity of the constellation Pisces. Don't get hung up on relationship issues; you're probably exaggerating.

July 25 and 26: the influence of the constellation Aries is most often characterized by increased impulsiveness, because of which decisions can be made rashly. But such energy is very useful if you are promoting already planned projects.

July 27 and 28: The moon will move into the constellation Taurus. It is advisable not to relax, because assertiveness and confident progress will have a very positive effect. A tendency to be a little lazy can now do harm.

29 and 30 July: under the influence of the Gemini sign, it is very good not only to develop your intellectual abilities, but also to deal with financial matters. You will be very lucky at this time.

July 31: the constellation of Cancer noticeably increases a person's emotionality and sensitivity. The more tact you show, the more likely you are to avoid conflicts. On this day, any work will be easy.

To know more about how to make today better, you can use the tips. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.06.2016 03:27

The moon is a source of energy that affects not only the processes of the human body, but also events in the life of mankind. From the phases of the moon...

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